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Consulting Agency

Our business consulting services help clients maximize their efforts and achieve desired business goals.

Who we are

We are a new efficient business
consulting agency

Systems mindset

Systems mindset allows us to quickly find the root causes of current adverse events in the company.

Integrated innovation

We offer integrated solutions to achieve faster, better, and more sustainable results for our customers.

A uniquely collaborative culture

We bring a new perspective, mutual trust and inspiring energy to every customer relationship.
We define the future

We develop & create a business future.

We will be helpful to you if you want to start a new business, optimize an existing one or achieve great success.


Experienced and highly professional consultant team

The number of specialists who can solve any business problem.
The number of signed projects that were confirmed and completed!
The number of successful startups that entered the market with the help of us.
System Approach

We help create and improve your business performance.

Our services help clients better understand, take the right action and manage business resources to add real value to their business.
about us

Experienced and highly professional consultant team.

What We Do

We will create a working strategy for your business, increase efficiency and productivity.


What our clients say

I contacted this company on various issues.

I needed help in marketing and optimizing business processes at the stage of starting a business. These experts will handle any project! Thank you so much for your professionalism, competent recommendations and positive attitude to problem situations!

Josh Davis

We managed to build a reliable partnership with Polarium. This is one of the few agencies on the market with well-established processes and a wide range of competent specialists.

Sam Powell

Polarium got me interested in the fact that they clearly understand what they are doing. As a result, their construction of business processes is efficient and cost-effective.

Leon Jones

I am happy with the result we are getting. We managed to move to a new format and reach a new level of business.

Grace Allen

My team is the best team in its niche. Subscribe to one of our plans and I am very grateful to the Polarium team. They were able to turn the business idea into reality! A competent business plan,  financial analysis and marketing strategy were built, with the help of which we will move under their leadership. We have passed a challenging but successful path for our startup, in which we certainly could not cope with it ourselves.

Nicolas Martin

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    2. Assessment of the current situation.

    An independent expert evaluates how current problems affect/can affect the startup/business and hinder development.

    1. Statement of the problem.

    At this stage, we analyze the market and identify the current problems of the startup/business.